For over forty years, The Arboretum at Flagstaff has partnered with various agencies and universities to work together on ecological research and plant conservation.
Merriam-Powell Research Station

The Merriam-Powell Research Station is a partnership between NAU, USGS, and The Arboretum. It supports research, education, and collaboration . The research station offers affordable housing and research facilities to scientists and students conducting field work. Our facilities are also available to educational, scientific, non-profit, and governmental organizations for day-long or multi-day meetings and workshops. The research station is open from March 15 to November 1; winter reservations are possible by special arrangement.
Southwest Experimental Garden Array

SEGA is an array of highly instrumented field sites spanning a large elevation gradient as an effective proxy for climate change research. The SEGA platform helps researchers to explore and quantify ecological/evolutionary responses to changing climate at scales from genes to ecosystems. SEGA includes some research sites here at The Arb, and they invite new researchers to innitiate new research projects – or to participate and collaborate with existing work.
Membership, Donations, Nursery
Our greenhouse grown native plants are the best choice for your high elevation garden.
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