As summer slowly begins to fade, I can’t help but reflect on this past season. I’ve had some amazing help from my gardens crew, and could not have taken care of 20 acres of gardens and grounds without them!
I’ve gone to each crew member, and asked them what their most and least favorite part of working at the Arboretum has been this season. Here are their answers:
Bryce (Gardens Assistant, started in April):
Most favorite: I would say that my favorite thing about working up here at the Arboretum is really being able to connect to all the animals, trees, and plants. My favorite animals would be the Hummingbirds and Kaibab squirrels, and my favorite plants would be the Blue weed and of course the Ponderosas.
Least favorite: I think the easiest answer would be the heat; being close to the sun and working hard in it. And the mosquitos. Some days it makes it real tough with the combination of the two. The eucalyptus spray was really good if we’re going for a natural remedy for the mosquitoes.

Mack (Gardens Assistant, started in May):
Most favorite: It’s funny because I mentioned it during my interview, but all the bugs that I’ve found. I love that I get the opportunity when I see one to get out my phone and identify it. I’ve seen things like Stick bugs, Bee flies, and Lady bug larva.
Least favorite: Ironically, my least favorite thing are the mosquitoes. I’ve tried listening to podcasts to get to know them better. But I’m tired of being itchy. The mosquitos that bite you are pregnant females that are getting ready to lay their eggs. Otherwise, they’re pollinators for plants like fruit trees.
Memi (NAU Forestry student, summer intern):
Most favorite: My favorite part of this internship was getting to know all of you guys. I’m not really a social person but working with all of you has made me very open-minded.
Least favorite: And my least favorite part was the mosquitoes!! Oh my gosh, those things bit me everywhere for those 4 weeks!
By the way, all the photos included in this article were taken my Memi. She loves photography, especially taking pictures of forest projects that show the interaction of humans in the ecosystem. So, if you need a photographer for your forest thinning/restoration/resource project, keep her in mind! @photo.graphy_memi
I had another NAU Forestry student interning with me for the summer, but sadly they had to leave a few weeks early to be with family. They were awesome to work with!
Sarah Armanovs is the Gardens Manager at The Arboretum at Flagstaff.